Tuesday, August 08, 2006

KidsInC Kickoff Meeting


  • Went over the agenda for the kickoff and the flyer to handout to parents. I will retype them and send them out to Susan, Karen, Christine, and Rosemary.
  • Food: hotdogs, grapes, koolaid, chips, sodas for adults and desserts if we want to make/bring them. Karen is buying the hotdogs and fixing, grapes, koolaid and chips from Sam's. The rest of us should bring sodas and desserts.
  • Basically the agenda is to eat for about 30 min and then I will go over the basics of the program with the kids and parents; then we'll give parents time to sign up to help and kids time to sign up to come; after that, it's a pool party from 7:15-8
  • There will be a Super Sloppy Saturday in September and in April and a retreat sometime in the spring, as well.
  • The concept of KidsInc is explained in the handout that I will email you once I make the changes we talked about (changes in schedule due to school holidays)
  • We need to really encourage parents to be helpers.
  • I'm compiling a book with all of the lessons/games in it and will put it together during the next 2 weeks (yes, ladies, I did find the notepad!).
I think that's it in a nutshell. It will make more sense when you get the "What is KidsInC" handout, Rosemary and Christine. Susan and Karen, anything else that you remember?


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