Monday, September 18, 2006

FNF Checkpoint 1

Ok, here's where you can comment on what you're team is working on. Mandy had already commented on the post below this one about the downstairs team (She's so good that she beat me to the post!), so I copied it to this post.


Blogger CLPC Kids said...

Here's Mandy's post
anonymous said...

The K and under sub-committee met Sunday morning and decided on the following activies:

Ghost lollipop craft and ghost footprint craft (both in the art room and centering around the holy ghost/spirit) - Jessica and Mandy

Fishing Joseph out of the well game - Sandy and Bennie

Decorating cupcakes/decorating bags - Carol and all

Face painting (maybe to be done by the youth) - Bennie

Moonwalk - Mandy

Veggie Tales movie from 7:30 - 8pm - Who has the movie and what room will this be in?

Also, we are looking to recruit 5 more helpers to man the activities.

We discussed possibilities for decorations and will meet again to decide.

That's all the updates I have for now. We're pretty excited! (ladies, feel free to add to this if I missed anything)


12:06 PM  
Blogger CLPC Kids said...

Moonwalk--get a price check first for that one so that I can make sure it fits in our budget. I think the smaller moonwalks are pretty reasonable. Oh, and Katrina knows the name of a great company.

We have both Jonah and Rack, Shack, and Benny Veggietales movies upstairs in the gathering room.

Carol: Mary Baker and Karen Bishop love to bake, so you can contact them about cupcakes if you wish. I'll also make cupcakes for it.

Good work, ladies, and I'm so glad to see the excitement!

12:11 PM  
Blogger CLPC Kids said...

Ooo, and bags. We still have tons of lunch sack type of bags (white and brown) left over from BTSW. Can we use those, or were you thinking of something else?

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe "Where's God when I'm Scared" would be a better Veggie Tale's movie. I have it on VHS


1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just tell me what I need to do. I will also make cupcakes!

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoops...I just posted:

Tell me what I need to do...
Guess you need to know who to tell.


2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm sorry I wasn't clear on the moonwalk before. Joey and I own a smaller one, so we were just going to bring that and set it up. The only problem with it is it's size. It will be only able to be used for the smaller kids. If you would like me to check into renting a bigger one that all can use, I am happy to do that and get back with you. Let me know.

I think we should discuss how many cupcakes we want to make - already we have six people slated to bake a batch each (that includes Leah) That's like over 100 cupcakes!

I blog now...I feel so cool!

Technically adept,

11:15 PM  
Blogger CLPC Kids said...

No, the smaller one is fine.

We need to think about numbers. right now, we've got 76 kids from tods to 5th grade who are coming to SS on a pretty regular basis. If they each bring a friend (and we hope they do), we're looking at about 150 kids. I'd rather be overprepped than underprepped.

Mandy, you were cool before, but now you're TechnoCool! :o)

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all-
I have priced the food. Here's what we are looking at:
Kim suggested we prepare for 275 people including parents, kids, and guests.
That would mean nine 6 foot Subway sandwiches for a total of $288.00
(they are 32.00 each)
Chips are $9.88 for 50 bags at Sams, so that would be 6 cases for
Water bottles at Sams are $4.24 for 32 bottles, and we'd need 9 cases for a total of $38.16.
That makes the total food cost at $385.14 for the whole thing.

With water bottles we would not need cups, so we'd only really need plates and napkins. I didn't price those, but they are cheap...

If we charge $1.75 each for the dinner we would have that covered easily.
Comments? Shirley

10:00 PM  
Blogger CLPC Kids said...

I talked to the Elmores yesterday. Jimmy and his son are willing to help with construction. His son may also be willing to help as a group leader (he's a teen). Mrs Elmore is willing to help out wherever. I told them that someone would be in contact with them, so inviting them to the work party might be a great idea. I'm waiting to hear back from the other builders.

10:15 AM  

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