Monday, September 25, 2006

FNF Checkpoint 2--volunteers and supplies

Ok, the first phase (planning/brainstorming) is finished, and you all have terrific ideas. Now it's time to get your volunteers and your supply list together.

I've copied Holly's comment to this checkpoint because she has volunteer information on it. Also, for the same reason, I've copied mine here.

Please get me your supply lists ASAP so that I can send out one big news net.

BTW, the ideas are beyond the vision I even had in mind, so YOU ALL ROCK! This is going to be such a ministry to the kids.

I'll put up checkpoint 3 next week.


Blogger CLPC Kids said...

Holly said
The 1st-5th grade committee met this past week. These are our ideas so far:

Room 207: Daniel and the Lion's Den - Use sun canopy and drape with brown fabric or brown paper for walls, paint glow in the dark eyes and staple/attach to walls, get lion sounds, black paper over windows, make a tunnel (out of choir backdrop things) to get in side den, need black light, use rock painted scenery from youth storage.

Room 205: Esther talks to the King - Painted palace backdrop, throne from youth storage, fake plants/trees, purple and blue fabric. We chose Rm 205 because of the curtains and rug already in that room.

Rm 201: Jonah in the fish's belly -
Profile of a fish at the entry of the door to give the appearance of going into it's mouth. Whale teeth - heads of push brooms, climb up wood platforms (on stage) on their sides to crawl into the mouth, sun canopy for actual belly, large piece of foam and red fabric for tongue (youth storage), cover windows with black paper, swim noodles for the ribs, blue fabric draped from sun canopy, thunder and whale noises, fish smell (open tuna cans), clip lights (youth storage), vines to hang to look like seaweed.

Gathering room: Cemetary/Jesus' Tomb - Black fabric hanging down, cover windows with black paper, black light, white picket fence to mark off cemetary, kids will sit outside cemetary, 12 tombstones made from styrafoam painted gray with white letters, tent for Jesus' tomb, large stone rolled to the side, lanterns (youth storage), dry ice, spooky sounding music.

Holly announced the Fear not Fest in the Family Foundations SS class and got some volunteers for a 2 hour work party on Sunday Oct. 22 after the SS hour. 11:15-1:15
We will provide pizza and lemonade.
Volunteers: Fleming Hanson (set construction), Kathy Hanson (playground duty for kids of volunteers), Debbie Misfeldt (decorating),Kathy Study (Jonah room), Lane Henderson (whatever), Jackie Geyer (whatever), Phil Cummings (story telling/scripts).

Phil also suggested Tim Nibert who does local theater. He may be willing to be a storyteller. Does anyone know Tim or feel comfortable asking him?

I'm sending Kim a list of what we need so that she can make a request for items on the news net.

Sorry this was so long, hope it's helpful.

10:22 AM  
Blogger CLPC Kids said...

Kim said...

I talked to the Elmores yesterday. Jimmy and his son are willing to help with construction. His son may also be willing to help as a group leader (he's a teen). Mrs Elmore is willing to help out wherever. I told them that someone would be in contact with them, so inviting them to the work party might be a great idea. I'm waiting to hear back from the other builders.

BTW, Shirley, I think charging $1.75 is fine.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I spoke with Jill Taylor and she is excited about helping out downstairs the day of the Festival. She is willing to help with any activity. She will show up 10-15 min. early to be assigned a task.

Upstairs committee - YOU ROCK! Great planning! I can't wait to see the rooms!


9:18 PM  
Blogger CLPC Kids said...

I caught the upstairs team in the act of measuring doors. Methinks they are in the process of creating a giant whale! :o)

Yea Jill, Kathy, Debbie, Hansons, Lane, Jackie, Phil, Laura, Bonnie, and Tim! I love to see all of these people involved.

10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all-
As long as no one objects, I will go ahead with ordering Subway and getting drinks and chips from SAMS. The cost breakdown was on my last post.

I have a few volunteers lined up to work. It's pretty easy to stand a serve food.

I'll handle everything for food, so I don't have a list of needs for you, Kim. I don't think I will need anything.

Kim- do I just turn in receipts? What about tax?

Also, is there another group meeting planed that I need to try to make?

5:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spelling correction...planned, not planed--Shirley

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You need to get a tax exempt form from me, and then yes, you turn in receipts.

We do not have an all-volunteer meeting planned as of yet, but I do plan to have one at the end of next week. Stay tuned.

9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you please send me Carol Ehrman's email address so I can contact her about the food? I would like to check with her on a few Thanks, Shirley

4:47 PM  

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